Prof. Dr. Marta Bucholc - Uniwersytet Warszawski
Work group
Religion and Secularity
Marta Bucholc is Professor of Sociology at the Department of Sociology, University of Warsaw and Chercheuse Associée at the Centre de recherche en science politique, University of Saint-Louis, Brussels. Between 2015 and 2020 she was research professor at Käte-Hamburger-Kolleg „Recht als Kultur“ of Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn. Her research focus is historical sociology, history of social theory, sociology of law, sociology of economy and sociology of knowledge. She is a distinguished fellow at the KFG in Munich and will research on a project titled Religious Family Values: Nationalism and Universalism Reconsidered.
Research Project
Religious Family Values: Nationalism and Universalism Reconsidered
Marta Bucholc’s research focuses on the religiously oriented initiatives designed by conservative milieus that began to emerge in East Central Europe after 1989, which play a special role in emphasizing and strengthening Christian religiousness in Central Europe. She will examine the importance of global networks for attempts to anchor a regional East- and Central European identity in Christianity. Her focus will be intellectuals and organizations acting as brokers of ideas and agents of transmission that have been instrumental for international and interregional coordination and cooperation under the rubric of worldview conservatism. Her main thesis is that a new, historically oriented, religiously based normativity is emerging in East Central Europe today, which, alongside, and in paradoxical accord with the supposedly all-shaping nationalism, is successfully putting forward a strong claim of universalization that has an ever-greater effect on the regional landscape of ideas.
Marta Bucholc and Lourdes Peroni | The Interplay of Religion and Human Rights in the Amicus Curiae Briefs to the European and the Inter-American Courts of Human Rights as video and podcast on Wissenschaftsportal L.I.S.A.
Marta Bucholc | The Rise of a National-Conservative International? Religious Foundations of Unlikely Global Alliances as video and podcast on Wissenschaftsportal L.I.S.A.